ASREC 2025 Conference

George Mason University - Arlington, VA

March 7-8, 2025

Keynote Speaker

Prof. Dr. Robert Boyd

Arizona State University

Robert (Rob) Boyd is considered a forerunner in the field of cultural evolution, known for his significant contributions to understanding how culture influences human evolution. He holds a professorship in Human Evolutionary Biology at Arizona State University, where his research focuses on the evolutionary psychology of the mechanisms that give rise to – and influence – human culture, and how these mechanisms interact with population dynamic processes to shape human cultural variation. Alongside his long-time collaborator, Peter J. Richerson, Boyd has played a crucial role in developing the dual inheritance theory, which examines the co-evolution of genetic and cultural factors. Their influential works, including "Culture and the Evolutionary Process" and "Not by Genes Alone," have reshaped research on human behavior, social organization, and evolutionary dynamics. Boyd’s interdisciplinary approach, which integrates anthropology, biology, economics, and psychology, has established him as a central figure in cultural evolution.

Conference Program

The current conference program is available at this link: ASREC Program

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All presenters and participants must register to attend. Please register no later than January 31. Registration is $175 for regular attendees and $50 for students

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Our Supporters
Funding for ASREC has been provided by Chapman University. Located in Orange, California, Chapman's mission is to provide a personalized education of distinction that leads to inquiring, ethical and productive lives as global citizens.

Funding for graduate student workshops, ASREC events, conferences, and research generously provided by the John Templeton Foundation.